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On a mission deliver the secret of kings Watching the enemy lurking within Reveal the plans that could take many lives Danger will stalk every step that you take Hide in shadow or they'll find you
One wrong step you have been seen As you run your foes try and catch you But you've been saved By a light up ahead
By the light of 4000 torches Reinforcements have come to defend By the light of 4000 torches A welcome sight for you has arrived
A melee ensues as you turn to fight The odds are not hopeless you must survive
By luck you're given a chance to live on Bare your teeth and kill for crown Fight with heart before they strike you down
A scout you are a target for the kill The keys you hold, allies will need them all To stop a force coming to destroy Through the fray the enemy seeks you out But you must live for all could be lost
By the light of 4000 torches Your countrymen will show you the way By the light of 4000 torches A turn of fate will carry you home
The day is won for you and your brothers Many dead lie at your feet Owe your life to those who fought with you A victory worthy of song
By the light of 4000 torches The blood that's spilled will not be yours By the light of 4000 torches The tables turned to favour your side By the light of 4000 torches You've been spared from meeting your end By the light of 4000 torches In Death's face you say not this day
On a mission deliver the secret of kings Watching the enemy lurking within Reveal the plans that could take many lives Danger will stalk every step that you take Hide in shadow or they'll find you
One wrong step you have been seen As you run your foes try and catch you But you've been saved By a light up ahead
By the light of 4000 torches Reinforcements have come to defend By the light of 4000 torches A welcome sight for you has arrived
A melee ensues as you turn to fight The odds are not hopeless you must survive
By luck you're given a chance to live on Bare your teeth and kill for crown Fight with heart before they strike you down
A scout you are a target for the kill The keys you hold, allies will need them all To stop a force coming to destroy Through the fray the enemy seeks you out But you must live for all could be lost
By the light of 4000 torches Your countrymen will show you the way By the light of 4000 torches A turn of fate will carry you home
The day is won for you and your brothers Many dead lie at your feet Owe your life to those who fought with you A victory worthy of song
By the light of 4000 torches The blood that's spilled will not be yours By the light of 4000 torches The tables turned to favour your side By the light of 4000 torches You've been spared from meeting your end By the light of 4000 torches In Death's face you say not this day