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Away away Away away Time is running Though I’m young Through my window I see the day falling Will the promise be held? For at dawn I see the unfolding
I don’t give up I don’t give up I feel the pain, feel the pain But I’m alive, I’m alive
Why should I be racing Why should I be racing My fate of flames, my fate of flames Why should I be racing Should I be racing My fate of flames, my fate of flames
Away away
Aina wayeke Aina wayeke Aina wayeke Aina wayeke Ogoroiña agayu chola aina Wayeke, aina wayeke
Away away
Away away Away away Time is running Though I’m young Through my window I see the day falling Will the promise be held? For at dawn I see the unfolding
I don’t give up I don’t give up I feel the pain, feel the pain But I’m alive, I’m alive
Why should I be racing Why should I be racing My fate of flames, my fate of flames Why should I be racing Should I be racing My fate of flames, my fate of flames
Away away
Aina wayeke Aina wayeke Aina wayeke Aina wayeke Ogoroiña agayu chola aina Wayeke, aina wayeke