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The men who rule the world Have made a fucking mess The history of power The worship of success The king is in the counting house He’s chairman of the board The women who crowd the courtrooms all accused of being whores
Money money money money ha ha ha ha ha
The fleecing of the people All the fucking time They call it self-preservation But we call it a crime Tented cities on sidewalks underneath the clouds Imaginary neighbours with plastic cups and paper crowns
Now let’s save all of the animals Let’s save all the squid Let’s load them onto the mothership with the elders and the kids Save great works of genius The birds the bugs the seeds And make it a crime to tell a lie again And watch those haters bleed
Stuck inside my head Stuck inside my head All the fucking time
The Violator Hate the violator The violator Destroy the violator
The men who rule the world Have made a fucking mess The history of power The worship of success The king is in the counting house He’s chairman of the board The women who crowd the courtrooms all accused of being whores
Money money money money ha ha ha ha ha
The fleecing of the people All the fucking time They call it self-preservation But we call it a crime Tented cities on sidewalks underneath the clouds Imaginary neighbours with plastic cups and paper crowns
Now let’s save all of the animals Let’s save all the squid Let’s load them onto the mothership with the elders and the kids Save great works of genius The birds the bugs the seeds And make it a crime to tell a lie again And watch those haters bleed
Stuck inside my head Stuck inside my head All the fucking time
The Violator Hate the violator The violator Destroy the violator