Devendra Banhart

LETRABabyDevendra Banhart

Baby, I finally know what I'm going after
I'm learning to let in all the laughter
Holie Molie, your so funny
You crack me up you crack me up

Look out, for dreams that keep returning
Cuz magic in the wind made a new (???)
Ya feel it, ya want it, where whatcha be

Travelin my choo choo train
We know where, we just dont know when

Like some everlasting (onion?)
Our loveee

Never heard a better bad joke said out loud
You flip flop and I wild out
Can you believe it
I cant believe it
It truuuee uuu uuu uu

Your givin, ity bity years of gigglin
A whole new world to live in
But this ones real
This ones real
This ones real

Like a roller tide kangaroo (?)
You be one and Ill be one too
PLay it goofier, play it cool (?)

Everything that happens
You know i dont mean anything at all
Cuz so much is going to happen
to usss

You showed me a sunset over flowin
But who cares where its goin
As long as ur next meee
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